Chão do Prado
Opened in 2004 this restaurant, with wine shop, installed in an old cellar of the farm, located in the middle of vineyards, is the right place to enjoy a splendid view while enjoying the house wines, accompanied by various delicacies.
Chão do Prado
Rua Almirante Gago Coutinho Sítio Chão De Prado
2670-630 BUCELAS
GPS: 38º 54’27, 8” N / 09º 06’ 41,0” W
T: 936 457 259
Type of cuisine: Regional, Tradicional, Criativa, Cabo-verdiana, Brasileira, Indiana, outras.
Closed on Mondays, Tuesdays and Sunday dinner.
Average price per meal: 15,00€.